The rock music group Etai Keshiki will be playing their music in the following rooms on the following evenings.

15th SEPTEMBER 2013
Wharf Chambers present

Sweat Tongue, Hilary and the Hate Crimes, Etai Keshiki
at Wharf Chambers, Leeds.

27th SEPTEMBER 2013
Recon/Cops and Robbers present
Etai Keshiki, Perspex Flesh, Herb Diamante, Mucky Sailor
at Wharf Chambers, Leeds.

19th OCTOBER 2013
Ladyfest Leeds present

LADYFEST LEEDS '13Etai Keshiki, Esper Scout, Nervous Twitch and more TBC

4th DECEMBER 2013
Hypnowave present
Shopping, Etai Keshiki, Amorous Dialogues +1 TBC
at Wharf Chambers, Leeds

To book the band, please email etaikeshiki at gmail dot com.

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